Thursday, February 6, 2014

Our News Is Good News!! Woot Woot!!!

We got GREAT news yesterday!  We've been approved for thw DEXCON continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS)! We've had our fingers crossed for months waiting on this decision! This device will check her blood sugar every few seconds and wireless communicate that blood sugar reading to a handheld device that will be kept in our pocket or on our hip! This way we'll be able to see her blood sugars and the trends she develops and we'll be able to regulate these sugars and keep track of her ups and downs more efficiently!

This is what the handheld device will look like! We ordered the pink one - only because I didn't like the other colors as much as I liked pink!

At this point in our pumping journey we are checking blood sugar every four hours throughout the night and before every meal during the day. Also if shes cranky we check her because she cannot verbalize when she is high or low to us just yet.

Everyday is still a struggle. We both feel differently in terms on the effect of insulin on Elsie and it becomes an argument at times. We only want the best for Elsie and sometimes our desire for her wellbeing can become an argument...we always come to an agreement and some days we agree all day.  Its terrifying to have a child with diabetes.  As natural as insulin is - as our bodies make it naturally - the type we are putting into Elsie is not made in her body so its in a sense foreign to her and sometimes shes more sensitive to it and sometimes she resists it. So we'll have days where her sugars are low and we're trying desperately to keep them up into an in target level and some days where shes high all day no matter how accurately we correct for her carb intake and blood sugars.

So as I said every day is an adventure of one sort or another!  Its a rollercoaster of sorts but we are the perfect pair to be on this rollercoaster together! We compliment each others imperfections and when one gets lackadaisical the other keeps with the program and it all works out every day!! We are so blessed to have a happy healthy adaptable and adorable little Elsie.  I cannot imagine life without her and cannot imagine this adventure without diabetes -

Elsie is beautiful and a type 1 diabetic who is rocking the socks off this insulin pump business!! Even our drug rep tells me to say hi to Elsie for her every time we talk - she has touched so many lives and continues to do so each and every day! So jump on the adventure its quite a good time!!

Take care,
Sarah,  McKenzie & Elsie

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