Thursday, June 18, 2015

Dentist Appointment & Endo Appointment

Elsie had her 6 month cleaning for her teeth Wednesday and no cavities - we have a couple spots to keep an eye on! She always does so well with these appointments and on the way to the dentist - she kept saying "we're going to the dentist to get my teeth okay?" and when we replied yes to her she said "yay! we're going to the dentist!" We always want to make her feel comfortable at all her appointments - we hate to think of her being afraid of her doctors etc... anxiety is never a good thing for little ones ;-)

Today, Thursday, was a great day! Sarah's mom came down from Grand Rapids to watch Veda while we took Elsie to her Endocrinologist appointment. We took the day to spend quality time with Elsie. We haven't been able to get alone time with Elsie without Veda around since Veda was born and we realized it was definitely time for that to happen. We made sure that Elsie got spoiled time... Sarah's mom helped tremendously with that! BUT we hadn't realized that it was necessary for US to take her. These Endocrinologist appointments are special to Elsie - they do require our full attention when we discuss basal rates and correction factors etc. We are happy that they have things in the room to occupy Elsie while we do this - and its important we are both their as we discuss her A1c and treatment plans - we talk about ANY and ALL concerns we have regarding her pump, Dexcom and her diabetes in every detail and for as long as we need to. The doctors are so patient with us and her doctor was very personal with her today - this is a new doctor for us (fairly new) and so we are building trust and rapport with her! She's awesome and we are definitely happy with her.

So... the number we've all been waiting for, her a1c was 7.7% Which is right where we want it to be. The doctor told us that goal A1c is 7.5% for someone her age - a number to shoot for - and she did mention that it takes a lot of hard work to get an A1c that low for a child her age - so even if it went up from our last appointment our hard work is noted, and is something to be proud of!!

We took Elsie to the UP Mall before the appointment and we took her to Build A Bear, she loved it!! She picked out Toothless from the How To Train Your Dragon movies. She loves the movies and she loves him too!! She is so funny!! We love our little lady she sure has a mind of her own!!

We will say that going to the hospital today brought back some crazy emotions. We will never forget the moment hearing "she has diabetes" come out of that nurses mouth. Sarah rode in the ambulance to the hospital with a very sick little Elsie. McKenzie and Sarah's mom met at our apartment and drove together to the hospital - it was a hectic night but we will be posting on that day in another blog. Her anniversary and birthday are coming up and so are all the memories both good and bad -

Thank you for those who will read this - we are very happy to share our journey and our adventures with Elsie and diabetes - it is a lifelong disease and Elsie is a fighter and rolls with the punches. We are SO proud of our little girl and we cannot wait for what is yet to come for our now family of 4!!

Take Care,
McKenzie, Sarah, Elsie & Veda too!!

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