Friday, July 11, 2014

Pump Problems...

Woke up this morning like any normal day. Elsie's pump alarms every 3 days for us to change the site and put new insulin in the cartridge etc. SO at 9am this morning it alarmed and we covered for breakfast and unhooked the pump and began the loading process. Well the pump itself keeps a reservoir of insulin considered "unusable insulin" and that is so that the pump never actually gets empty and you never have air going through the tubing and into her skin. Well this time the pump kept telling me that there wasn't at least 50 units of insulin left in the pump after everything... SO long story short seems there was a problem with the pump itself and they are overnighting a new pump to us to tomorrow morning.

In the meantime we had to do injections today, we were apprehensive about the injections and didn't know how well she'd take to them. Well she didn't even seem to care!! She is always such a go with the flow and do whatever it takes. We also think she knows that insulin makes her feel better now so she accepts it!!

We luckily had an appointment with our Diabetic Educator, Noreen, today. So it worked out well to kind of go over things and troubleshoot things. She gave us some extra insulin vials to keep in the fridge as back-up.

We did an A1c check today too and it was 7.8%!! (meaning her average blood sugar for the last 3 months was around 184) Which is absolutely amazing!! Noreen explained that with being as young as she is - this number would actually be too low. But because we have the Dexcom and they can see that she hasn't had a low under 80 in a month!! So they know that the 7.8% A1c is not because of too many lows but instead because of overly anal mothers that are amazingly managing her diabetes!! We are so happy!!

Noreen also mentioned to us that Tandem (Elsie's pump company) had their national conference a while back and were discussing the regions cases and success etc - well Elsie seems to be the VERY youngest person to be using the Tandem T-Slim insulin pump!! The representatives at Tandem were SO impressed at how well she is doing on it etc. Our Diabetic Educator wants to do a case study on Elsie because of how well she is doing and growing etc!!

Our main goal day to day is to keep Elsie's sugars at a manageable level and to avoid serious lows (unconscious lows) that can harm brain development. We are definitely doing that and doing that very well!! The Dexcom and the pump have allowed us to be more comfortable giving Elsie insulin to keep sugars lower knowing we can catch it whens shes starting to drop low - and fix it before it happens!! Noreen said a HUGE goal is to improve the quality of life not only for Elsie but for the whole family!! These technological advances have definitely helped us sleep better knowing that Elsie is not dropping too low at night and potentially unconscious etc!!

Thank you for keeping up with us!! We love the support we get from everyone!! This is such an awesome way for us to let everyone know what we are up to...what we are struggling with and what we are succeeding with!!

Take care!!
McKenzie, Sarah & Elsie

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