Thursday, August 7, 2014


We had an awesome birthday party for Elsie on Saturday July 12th!! It was a little rainy at the beginning of the party (right when people were showing up) but we had a clearing and a great turnout many loved ones and friends came and celebrated with Elsie and us!! It was beyond amazing!! She was so busy with playing that we had to open her presents for her she opened a few but then got down and said that she wanted to play.  We could not have been more impressed with the outpouring of love that we saw that day!! July 12th will always have a special place in our hearts - it was the day we went in to be induced to have Elsie and it was the day we were diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. I say we were diagnosed because at this point it is our life. Right now our family has diabetes - at some point in Elsie's life it will transfer from us to her - and I fear that day that we lose control of diabetes but we trust that Elsie will do her best with it.

So we had an appointment with her doctor (family doctor) on July 14th for a 2 year check up. She weighed 30.1lbs and was 33in tall!! Such a big girl!! Her weight dropped from the 95+ percentile to just above the 75th percentile. It was a long winter folks and we have been moving since the weather got nice!! Elsie absolutely loves to play outside and is full of joy and energy  when she does. We are so thankful for the happy healthy baby (not so much a baby anymore) we have!!

JDRF walk is coming up and we've almost made 50% of our goal!! We are doing awesome!! the more money we raise the more money gets donated to finding a cure!!

Tonight when we laid Elsie down for bed she usually says goodnight to every object she can think of so it keeps her from going to bed to quickly... WELL tonight she said goodnight to her Dexcom and I thought it was the absolute cutest thing ever!! She is well aware of what this contraption does and she is so smart and kind to want to tell it good night!!! Mom brag moment over!! Good night all!!

Take care!
McKenzie, Sarah & Elsie!!

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